Monday, January 23, 2012

Do you think I could be a librarian by just getting my certificate in Library and Technology?

Do you think it's necessary for me to get my Associates degree inorder to become a librarian. I go to a community college and you can get an Associates degree or certificate in Library and Information Science Technology. Do you think I could get a job by just have an certificate or do you probably think I will need a degree. Because if all I need is a certificate then maybe I can also major in something else!Do you think I could be a librarian by just getting my certificate in Library and Technology?
No. Although, I have heard of "librarian" with that or less in towns of less than 500 population in the wilderness, you'd never get a job in a real city. When I worked for the Seattle Public Library as a library associate, there were at least three of us with our masters waiting to be promoted.

I also would believe that the reason why no librarian would move to the wilderness to take those obscure jobs is that they pay only slightly better than the federal minimum wage, so ask yourself if that's what you want.

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